Commemorative Speech: Useful Recommendations from Specialists

Festive events are exceptional moments of everyday life, the most pleasant time among the usual routine, and as a rule, these are the cases when public broadcasting becomes especially important. Such papers are part of the ceremonial atmosphere that emphasizes the importance of the event.
Commemorative Speech Definition and Types
The commemorative speech is a hybrid type of text that dialectically combines oral speech dedicated to a socially substantial solemn/memorable event, which attaches special importance to the cohesion of the national or ethnic community and its values, and a written text with all its inherent textual typological features as a means of reflecting the values of a culture.
The commemorative speech is characterized by a certain pragmatic guideline, the implementation of which requires careful selection and organization of language tools at different levels, as one of the tasks of such texts is to unite society to preserve its values and inspire active life, offering positive cultural and historical examples of the nation as role models.
The main task of the commemorative speech is not to convey information or convince the audience of the indisputability of the statements but to meet the special needs of a special occasion – the occasion of the ceremony.
The goal of a commemorative speech is to unite society in order to preserve its values and inspire further common causes by citing numerous cultural and historical examples relevant to the life of the country. According to the functions of communication and intentions of speakers, the following types of commemorative speeches are distinguished:
- Speeches of introduction. This type of commemorative speech is the introductory speech of the speaker before the report of another speaker. The main task is to focus the listeners’ attention on the main speaker
- Speeches of presentation take place when receiving and presenting awards, gifts, or any other indicators of public recognition. Usually, such speeches are quite short. The main purpose is to recognize the achievements of the recipient
- Speeches of acceptance. The purpose of this ceremonial speech is to thank you for a gift or reward. When delivering this type of speech, the addressee addresses words of gratitude to those who rewarded him/her, noting people whose help has made a great contribution to achieving certain achievements.
- Speeches of tribute usually include the following: eulogy, response, dedication. The main purpose of such speeches is to pay tribute to a person, group of people, institution, or idea. The main task of the speaker is not just to inform the audience but to inspire people. The speaker should awaken and strengthen the feeling of gratitude or admiration for the person or institution referred to in the text of the commemorative speech.
It is important to note that the graduation speech is also considered a commemorative speech. Therefore, if you have to write a good graduation speech, carefully study its structure below.
The Outline of a Commemorative Speech
The commemorative speech is marked by a certain composition, i.e., the natural, motivating content and design of all its parts (introduction, main part, and conclusions).
The introduction of a commemorative speech is an address to the audience, often in the form of greetings and thanks. The purpose of this part is very important because the appearance of the speaker, his verbal and nonverbal behavior on stage, the first words of the address should create a positive image, an aura of friendliness, and interest the audience. In the introduction, the speaker usually highlights the topic of the speech or notes a socially important communicative situation that gives rise to a public speech.
Main Part
The main part of the commemorative speech contains the main informational content of the message, which has a different character: from expressing gratitude to prominent figures of the country, memories, and commemoration of the dead, the description of historical and sometimes mythological events preceding the solemn event, etc., to analysis work done during the year or term of office, and future prospects in overcoming the difficulties and growth of the state.
The last words of the speaker in the speech are especially significant: if the first words should attract the attention of the audience, then the last ones should enhance the effect of the speech. The result of a speech is aimed at the audience and reflects the speaker’s position on future wishes, plans, and their implementation.
In general, the result takes the form of an appeal – an appeal to the hearts, minds, and emotions of the listeners. Sometimes the speaker may deviate from the prepared manuscript when there is a need for a spontaneous reaction to the listeners’ remarks, as a result of which the speech acquires elements of spontaneous dialogue, which is short and corresponds to the theme of the speech without violating its compositional structure.
Choosing an Idea for a Commemorative Speech
When choosing a topic, the speaker should take into account the next aspects: actuality, clarity of wording, specificity, etc. There are two options when the speaker chooses the theme of the speech independently, or it is already set, and he/she can specify it.
It is necessary to analyze the composition of the audience. The speaker must create at least two questions:
- What kind of audience is waiting for me?
- What does this audience know about the subject of the speech?
- How to make a subject well known to the audience, new and interesting?
The goal of the message should also be considered. The goal is the end result that the speaker seeks to achieve. The commemorative speech without purpose is ineffective.
Exciting Topics for a Commemorative Speech
In this article, we want to provide you with a list of commemorative speech ideas to simplify your search and help save time for other important activities. Pick a good commemorative speech theme from the list below and start creating your paper right away:
- Culture of communication: teacher-student;
- Culture of communication: the leader-the subordinate;
- Dress code of a woman and a man;
- Communication in standard etiquette situations (toast, compliment, anti complement, wishes, greetings);
- Contemporary fine arts;
- Female and male logic;
- Modern rhetoric;
- What does respect mean?
- Neuromanagement, neuromarketing, neuro audit;
- Greeting and farewell gestures in different language situations;
- My ideal;
- My roots;
- Music of my world;
- Visual advertising errors;
- Modern speakers;
- People who made themselves;
- Life values of the contemporary.
Each of the above topics can be considered the best topic to give a speech. But the choice is yours. Consider your purpose, audience composition, and start writing. And remember, you can easily get professional writing help here!
What is a good commemorative speech topic?
It is a speech that meets the needs of special occasions and attracts the whole audience.
Is a graduation speech a commemorative speech?
Yes, graduation speech may be the synonym of commemorative speech. Thus, in some vocabularies these two types of speeches are defined as similar. However, the definition of commemorative speech is wider.
What is the goal of a commemorative speech?
The goal of commemorative speech is to unite society in order to preserve its values and inspire further common causes by citing numerous cultural and historical examples relevant to the life of the country.
What is the best topic to give a speech?
It is impossible to choose the best general topic for commemorative speech since it depends on the occasion.