Compare Contrast Essay Topics: Original Ideas in 2021

The essay is a small prose work of flexible composition, which represents a personal opinion of the author on the stated topic. Genre-forming features of the essay include the following:
- The personal nature of motivation, perception, and coverage of the subject.
- A special way of representing the subject of speech with the help of associative-emotional structural basis.
- The possibility of entering the general cultural context of the background knowledge of the addressee.
- Free-associative composition.
- Increased modality of the text as a reflection of the subjectivity of authorial characteristics.
Today there is a great variety of essays. Thus, scholars distinguish informative, literary-critical, personal, compare and contrast, descriptive, research, didactic, and some other essay types. In this article, we will consider in detail the peculiarities of writing a comparative paper and provide some good compare and contrast essay topics.
Compare and contrast essays usually substantiate personal preferences and choices, explore advantages and disadvantages, describe the worldview and philosophy of life. To some extent, this essay is not considered a separate type, but only a special mode of coverage of any theme in any genre because this type is used for information, persuasion, and analysis.
How to Build a Good Paper?
The compare and contrast essay has the following structure options: 1) Introduction; Thesis; Analysis of the characteristics of the first subject/phenomenon; Analysis of the characteristics of the second subject/phenomenon; Conclusion; 2) Introduction; Thesis; Parallel coverage of common or different characteristics (at least two) of both objects/phenomena being analyzed; Conclusion.
The introduction should be clear and original. Extremely important are the first phrases of the paper, which should convince in the coherence and brightness of the subsequent text. The introductory part must indicate the main criteria by which objects or phenomena are compared.
Main Part
The main part should represent the development of one thought or the transformation of one thought into another. It is usually recommended to apply the particular algorithm: the thesis is its argumentation.
The final paragraph usually summarizes the author’s position on the issue and mentions the central idea of the work.
Specificity of Topic Selection
If it is really important for you to select the best theme, you need to make sure that you comprehend it well, and can give good examples and strong arguments. Keep in mind that the topic can be interpreted differently, so there are various approaches to its coverage. You should pick out one of the existing approaches or offer your unique approach and reveal the topic from the stated position.
Exciting Compare Contrast Essay Topics in 2021
You have already got information on how to write an essay correctly, what structure to follow, and how to select the best theme. Below, we will provide a list of comparison and contrast examples that are relevant in 2021.
Compare Contrast Essay Themes on Healthcare
Consider some original topics on healthcare:
- Drug addiction and substance abuse as a medical and social problem;
- Main micro and macroeconomic databases related to health economics;
- The effectiveness of methods of clinical and economic analysis in medicine;
- Costs and revenues of medical organizations;
- Application of a mixed form of remuneration and a fee method in healthcare;
- Economic features of the functioning of various organizational and legal forms of non-profit and commercial healthcare organizations;
- Health and disease as the main categories of medicine;
- Healthcare management at the regional and municipal level;
- Distribution of powers between federal and local authorities in the field of health management;
- Comparative characteristics of sources of financing for the health sector.
Original Topics on Technologies
Here is a list of compare and contrast essay topics on technologies:
- Characteristics of information and communication technologies;
- Software and technologies for processing text information;
- Differences in management standards underlying the construction of automated information systems for building;
- Information technology of organizational and strategic development;
- Advantages and disadvantages of marketing information systems;
- Analysis of basic e-commerce technologies;
- Connection of components of information models with modern information systems;
- Client-oriented and financial and analytical technologies and information systems in logistics;
- Legal and customs information systems;
- Differences between search engines and electronic catalogs.
Interesting Themes About Studies in a College
You might like one of the themes about the specifics of studying at a college:
- Where is it better to get an education: in university or college?
- Advantages and disadvantages of studying in college;
- Main characteristics of electronic and textbooks;
- The specifics of training in a private and public college;
- Attending lectures or seminars: which is essential?
- Stationary training or distance learning;
- Is there a possibility for a modern student to combine study and work?
- Spend money or live frugally;
- Living in a dormitory or apartment while studying in college;
- Social sciences or humanities: what to choose and why?
Essay Topics on Economy
If you like economics, pay attention to the ideas below:
- Nominal and real gross domestic product;
- Price and non-price determinants of aggregate demand;
- Short-term and long-term macroeconomic equilibrium;
- Characteristic differences of the classical and Keynesian macroeconomic model;
- Savings and investments;
- Investment multiplier and accelerator;
- Characteristics of the main socio-economic consequences of unemployment;
- The main directions of state regulation of employment;
- Forms of inflation: supply and demand inflation;
- Economic growth and economic development: what is the difference?
Relevant Topics on Political Science
We recommend that you consider the list of topics for essay on political science:
- Democracy, tyranny, oligarchy in the understanding of ancient thinkers;
- The main world political trends: liberalism and neoliberalism, conservatism and neoconservatism, socialism, fascism, national ideologies (optional);
- The basic models of the political system (D. Easton, G. Almond, K. Deutsch, and others);
- Features of political cultures of the West and East;
- Advantages and disadvantages of the “Golden Billion” policy in the modern world;
- Political conflicts in the modern world: causes and characteristics;
- Comparative characteristics of the ‘oceanic’ and ‘continental’ directions in geopolitics (on the example of texts: Mackinder H. J. “Geographical axis of history”, Haushofer K. “Borders in their geographical and political meaning”);
- Characteristics of modern PR technologies and identification of their role in election campaigns;
- Characteristics of the most typical methods and principles of political advertising and public relations.
Exciting Topics on Education
Here also are the topics on education:
- State needs, ‘social order’ and human interests in designing education reforms;
- Education and personality identification problems;
- The ratio of centralization and decentralization in modern educational policy;
- Characterization of social problems caused by new technologies in education;
- The spectrum of students’ life plans;
- Public and private education in the modern world;
- The main types of curricula in the education system of the leading countries of the world;
- Theory and practice of educational policy;
- Sociology and education policy;
- Classical theories in the sociology of education.
Relevant Essay Themes on Sports
Do you like to play sports and want to learn more in this sphere? Maybe, you want to create a unique sports essay? Examine the following topics:
- The importance of developing special sports;
- Features of biochemistry and kinematics of muscle contraction;
- Natural forces and hygienic factors as auxiliary means of physical education;
- Classification and characteristics of physical exercises;
- Physical culture in general cultural and professional training of students;
- Physical culture and sports as social phenomena of society;
- Physiological and biochemical changes occurring in the body under the influence of active motor activity;
- Criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle;
- The use of physical culture means to optimize working capacity, prevent neuro-emotional and psychophysical fatigue of students, increase the effectiveness of training sessions and practices;
- Correction of physical development, physique, motor and functional readiness by means of physical culture and sports.
Interesting Topics on Career
Pay attention to the below ideas:
- Employed and entrepreneurial career;
- Interview as a situation of business self-presentation and presentation of the employer’s image;
- Verbal and non-verbal aspects of interaction during job interviews;
- The concept of social capital of a person and organization;
- Gender characteristics of achievement motivation and career orientations;
- Features of a woman’s career: role overload and role conflict of a working woman;
- HR as theory, practice, and sphere of professional activity;
- Labor market as ‘seller’s market’ and ‘buyer’s market’;
- Description of the main types of the career process;
- Comparison of different career planning technologies (V. Sanders, N. Carr-Rufino).
Essay Topics About Teenagers
The problem of educating teenagers has attracted the attention of scientists for many years. Here are the actual issues:
- Characteristics of the types of improper family education;
- Different parenting roles and their impact on the teenager;
- Characteristics of the types of delinquent behavior of adolescents according to their orientation;
- Interviewing parents and information from others regarding adolescent behavior;
- Prevention of child and adolescent crime.
Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on Science
You can find three interesting topics for a compare and contrast essay on science below:
- Scientific and unscientific knowledge;
- Science and pseudoscience;
- Quasi-scientific and para scientific knowledge.
So, we have provided you with an extensive list of topics for writing a good essay. You just need to study them and decide on the choice of the most suitable one. If you have any problems in writing or editing your paper, please contact our writers for professional help!
What are some good compare and contrast essay topics?
There are many good compare and contrast essay topics. We provided some ideas in our article. The best choice depends on your interests.
What are three topics for a compare and contrast essay?
Sports, education and science may be top-3 spheres to choose the topic for compare and contrast essay.
What are comparison and contrast examples?
Comparison and contrast examples represent the style of such an essay for students so they can cope with the task easier.