The Crucial Components Of A Definition Essay, Writing Suggestions, Ideas For Inspiration

A definition essay is an assignment that involves an official term of specific words using them as fundamental ones for paperwork. It aims to explain something to readers. This type of essay is a favorite among teachers but not preferred by students due to the irrelevance of narrative and creative skills usage. An illustrative purpose example: for a definition argument essay «Polygamy is a tricky conception,» determine what it means:
- «polygamy» (having several spouses, dating with more than one man, group marriage);
- «tricky» (guileful, challenging, problem-plagued, complicated);
- «conception» (idea, methodology, plan, intention).
Types of Definition Essay
The essay supposes a solid background and the historical origins of the keywords, their relative terms, and the studies that include the research of the polygamy marriages or relationships, their influence on people, etc. Observing one definition from various angles creates different types of the definitive argument essay:
- analysis (splitting the phrase into elements and analyzing each of them);
- classification (observes the groups that the specific term belongs to);
- contrast (based on a comparative characteristic of expression);
- denial (close to contrast type that compares what the word is and what it is not);
- details (explains what makes the terms unique and how it influences the core idea);
- etymology (examines the background and history of the word development);
- outcome, consequence, and release (observes the relevance of the terms today).
According to the topic approach and the focus of monologue, a definition can be:
- structural (the structure is the central theme);
- functional (the process is the central theme);
- analytical (focuses on the analysis of one or several topics).
A writer should be an expert in the discussed subject to transmit information to the readers correctly and comprehensively regardless of the theme and its approach.
The Structure of a Definition Essay, Writing Tips
A definition essay has a similar structure to other kinds of academic assignments and includes an introduction, body chapters, and a conclusion. However, it has distinctive features. It must involve the criteria section with a concept definition and the match section. For example:
Although MacDonald is one of the most profitable companies in the fast-food industry, [CLAIM], this business should be interrupted [BECAUSE of CLAUSE] because it advertises the unhealthy diet, provoking obesity in consumers.
The criteria part should include the scientific examination of the term «interrupted» (dictionaries, expert testimonies, juridical literature, etc.) and the writer’s explanation of it. The reconcilability part must provide the facts and evidence which prove the criteria section:
medical statistic data that show the increased level of obesity among MacDonald customers;
other facts that show the worsening of general well-being due to unhealthy eating or additional cases, matching your criteria.
A writer can add a personal point of view upon the standards of evaluation. Structure the provided information strictly according to the order: a theme introduction and a thesis statement should belong to the introduction part, evidence and facts — to the body chapters.
A writer should remain reasonable, logical, and specific, avoiding emotional language. Settle the evidence and facts in pyramidical order starting with the weakest one and culminating the research with the most powerful prof in the last body chapter.
Avoid the dictionary explanation only due to its limitation. Also, citing a dictionary is not recommended. Based on the context instead, especially if a word has several meanings. For example, «courage» generally means bravery, fortitude.
But in medical language, «clinical courage» supposes a practice of medicine that exceeds the primary scope of medical care. Include the explanation of the different word meanings to your essay, add some live examples, devoting a separate paragraph to each definition and its connection to the entire context.
A Definition Essay Outline: Step by Step
The most crucial point is choosing a topic that you know well enough to provide a comprehensive review while writing a definition essay. Take the theme where you are an expert. Since a definition essay work supposes extensive research, this process may appear to be a heavy burden if a topic is unfamiliar or unclear. As soon as you have chosen the most appealing topic, follow this scheme of work:
- Select the matter of study and the succinct word. The words with broad meanings open up the horizons for discussion. For instance: «Hope,» «Education,» «Love,» «Death,» etc. Avoid primitive words with a precise and single meaning like «book,» «building,» «train.» There is not much to be said about them except their concrete meaning. You can use relative words with broad meanings, e.g., «library,» «architecture,» «transport» instead. Here you have a larger field for discussion and can add your personal opinion.
- Choose a well-known word. Taking the term «oology» when you have no idea about it will be your path to failure. You must understand the meaning entirely. But if you replace it with the word «egg» you may have more of what to tell in your essay.
- Give preference to the words with multiple meanings. The various interpretations of the same expression will make your paperwork dynamic and several folded.
- Create a thesis statement.
- Start from the dictionary. Determine how the official sources explain it. Pay attention to the word structure as well. That will help to detect its background. You may add synonyms.
- Check the subject encyclopedias (medicine, psychology, jurisprudence). Discover the theories, ideas provided along. E.g., the word «digit» may refer to Arabic, Roman numerals, computer digits, etc.
- Use various media sources to observe the appliance of the word today. Magazines, Internet sites, video records are appropriate.
- Ask the people from your social circle how they understand this word and what it means to them. Note the evidence and use them in your definition paper.
- Develop a personal word definition in one-sentence length. Extend the definition using synonyms, contrasts, and comparisons depending on the type of your essay.
- Write a draft according to the essay structure. The number of body paragraphs may vary depending on the requirements of your professor. When your draft is ready, leave it for some time and return to checking a few hours or a day later. It will allow looking at it with fresh eyes.
- Read the essay to check how it sounds generally. Outline the words or phrases that need review.
- Read your essay to anyone who can give a considered opinion. Accept criticism adequately.
- Proofread. When you are happy with the content, eliminate any grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.
- Add the cover page and references if required.
Dedicate enough time to these processes to fit into the deadline frames.
Topic Examples for Definition Essay
If you are stuck with choosing a word for your definition essay, here are the lists of ideas divided into subjects.
History, politics, and government:
- archive;
- act;
- dynasty;
- feminist;
- annexation;
- Bill of Rights;
- royalist;
- trade union;
- citizen;
- autobiography;
- populist;
- democracy;
- aristocracy;
- impeachment;
- political party;
- religious toleration;
- amnesty;
- Anglican church;
- court;
- political economy;
- authoritarian government;
- tax;
- revolution;
- chain migration;
- discourse;
- power;
- doctrine;
- bibliography;
- Anglo-Saxon;
- bohemian;
- Marxist;
- autocracy;
- republic;
- transnational;
- biography;
- totalitarian government;
- feudalism;
- structuralism;
- socialism;
- radical;
- gender;
- capitalism;
- Cold War;
- Veto;
- approach;
- pluralism;
- absolutism;
- imperialism;
- referendum;
- recession;
- historiography;
- amendment;
- Leftist;
- interdisciplinary;
- liberalism;
- legislature;
- colony;
- anarchy;
- journal;
- industrial revolution;
- budget;
- bureaucracy;
- centralization;
- constitutional monarchy;
- civil rights;
- civil war;
- primary sources;
- specialization;
- sovereignty;
- communism;
- secondary sources;
- middle class;
- references;
- yellow journalism;
- corruption;
- third party;
- confederacy;
- court-martial;
- proletariat;
- conformism;
- unemployment;
- ideology;
- fundamentalism;
- racism;
- independency;
- primary election;
- inflation;
- international law;
- jurisdiction;
- decolonization;
- legitimacy;
- liberty;
- lobbying;
- equality of opportunity;
- mandate;
- monarchy;
- dictatorship;
- nation;
- Nazism;
- oligarchy;
- the paradox of participation;
- equal rights;
- public policy;
- sexual harassment;
- fascist;
- unipolarity;
- underemployment;
- committee;
- reformation;
- convention;
- council;
- country;
- justice;
- diplomacy;
- conservatism;
- federalist;
- missionary.
Business, economy, and trade:
- account;
- administration;
- amortization;
- assets;
- marketing;
- audit;
- rate;
- business angel;
- business cycle;
- cash flow;
- diversification;
- economic growth;
- value;
- investment;
- auction;
- bear market;
- currency appreciation;
- export;
- fiscal;
- expiry date;
- day trading;
- currency depreciation;
- income;
- bond trading;
- exchange;
- invoice;
- liquidity;
- margin;
- chartist;
- market segmentation;
- offshore account;
- bull market;
- patent;
- philanthropy;
- private limited company;
- privatization;
- currency peg;
- quota;
- cost of carry;
- stakeholder;
- fair value;
- capital expenditure;
- sustainability;
- trademark;
- write down, write off;
- dark pools;
- crystallization;
- volume;
- broker;
- budget;
- Chinese walls;
- commodity;
- whole-of-life policy;
- credit crunch;
- fiat currency;
- defined benefit pension;
- dividend;
- real interest rate;
- financial instrument;
- economies of scale;
- foreign exchange;
- golden hello;
- inflation measures;
- industrial output;
- macroeconomics;
- Loan-to-value;
- microeconomics;
- monopoly;
- debt;
- nominal values;
- gamma;
- open-market operations;
- overdraft;
- pay as you earn;
- poison pill;
- primary discount rate;
- random walk theory;
- retirement;
- gearing ratio;
- royal mint;
- stakeholder pensions;
- Wall Street;
- trade balance.
Music and poetry:
- rhapsody;
- soprano;
- Acmeism;
- crescendo;
- baritone;
- chorus;
- Shakespearean sonnet;
- hyperbole;
- brass instrument;
- bolero;
- allegory;
- chanson;
- dynamics;
- concerto;
- aphorism;
- lyric;
- surrealism;
- fugue;
- serenade;
- epitaph;
- modernism;
- elegy;
- refrain;
- alliteration;
- epic simile;
- tautology;
- metaphysical poets;
- exposition;
- expressionism;
- rock and roll;
- ballade;
- rhyme royal;
- hymn;
- humoresque;
- textual criticism;
- antithesis;
- soprano;
- romanticism;
- ambiguity;
- impressionism;
- black arts movement;
- carol;
- leitmotif;
- epigram;
- madrigal;
- cantata;
- mazurka;
- Elliptical poetry;
- dissonance;
- anachronism;
- epigraph;
- cultural criticism;
- Elizabethan Age;
- overture;
- pitch;
- rococo;
- symphony;
- fourteener;
- black mountain poets;
- ethnopolitics;
- waltz;
- chorale;
- homophonic texture;
- jazz;
- koto;
- madrigal;
- minimalism;
- a figure of speech;
- futurism;
- orchestra;
- organum;
- prelude;
- rhythm and blues;
- anaphora;
- Romantic Era;
- neo-Classicism.
- adoration;
- affection;
- intimacy;
- sexuality;
- euphoria;
- admiration;
- amour;
- kiss;
- passion;
- embrace;
- warmth;
- weakness;
- flame;
- truelove;
- sweetheart;
- desire;
- Valentine;
- spark;
- temptation;
- dream;
- innocence;
- amorousness;
- harmony;
- charm;
- honey;
- respect;
- forever;
- loyalty;
- cherishing;
- appreciation;
- captivation;
- sensuality;
- regard;
- obsession;
- fascination;
- enjoyment;
- precious;
- friendship;
- devotion;
- happiness;
- beautiful;
- romance;
- admirer;
- emotion;
- pleasure;
- tenderness;
- sentiment;
- fondness.
- agnosticism;
- church;
- All Saints’ Day;
- angel;
- antichrist;
- anti-semitism;
- apocalypse;
- atheism;
- baptism;
- orthodoxy;
- Bible;
- Mormon;
- Buddha;
- calvinism;
- Christianity;
- Christmas;
- fanatic;
- circumcision;
- Confucianism;
- Judaism;
- Protestantism;
- cross;
- cult;
- spirituality;
- death;
- demon;
- Dharma;
- ideology;
- dogma;
- Easter;
- evangelism;
- exorcism;
- fasting;
- Islam;
- polytheism;
- ghost;
- gospel;
- hadith;
- hell;
- paradise;
- Hinduism;
- monotheism;
- holiness;
- icon;
- idol;
- imam;
- jainism;
- paranormality;
- jihad;
- judgment day;
- Koran;
- prayer;
- meditation;
- messiah;
- occultism;
- mysticism;
- mythological religion;
- new age;
- nirvana;
- Protestantism;
- pantheism;
- prophet.
- belief;
- working-class;
- poverty;
- environment;
- slavery;
- development;
- family;
- discrimination;
- education;
- government;
- wealthiness;
- industrial society;
- mass media;
- medicine;
- fees;
- mentality;
- stereotype;
- middle class;
- personal space;
- power;
- feminization;
- rebel;
- earning;
- conflict;
- revolution;
- equality;
- knowledge;
- rituality;
- bullying;
- socialization;
- status;
- emigrant;
- stigma;
- democracy;
- racism;
- costs;
- heritage;
- evolution;
- demand;
- ethics;
- subculture;
- civilization;
- taboo;
- crime;
- terrorism;
- urbanization;
- discrimination;
- white privilege;
- currency;
- war;
- moral reasoning;
- community;
- culture;
- lifestyle;
- charisma;
- citizenship;
- communication;
- consensus;
- consumer goods.
- baseball;
- run;
- strike;
- team;
- timeout;
- field-hockey;
- cross;
- dangerous play;
- penalty;
- scoop;
- football;
- golf;
- hook;
- isolation;
- zone defense;
- blocking;
- three-second rule;
- soccer;
- kick;
- softball;
- safe;
- tennis;
- fault;
- volleyball;
- rally;
- yellowcard;
- water polo;
- rule;
- weak side;
- wrestling;
- breakdown;
- coach;
- escape;
- injury;
- neutral;
- track-and-field athletics;
- ski;
- skating;
- motor rally;
- competition;
- control;
- caution;
- delta;
- downforce;
- horse racing;
- jackpot;
- cycling;
- hiking;
- handball;
- acrobatics;
- boating;
- judo;
- sailing;
- swimming;
- diving;
- trampoline tumbling;
- pentathlon;
- archery;
- taekwondo;
- triathlon;
- weightlifting;
- fencing;
- alpinism;
- billiard sports;
- snowboarding;
- chess;
- aikido;
- bowling;
- karate;
- kettlebell lifting;
- sambo;
- wushu.
Medicine and healthcare:
- emergency;
- pregnancy;
- service;
- insomnia;
- insurance;
- injection;
- hospitalization;
- healthcare provider;
- prescription;
- drug;
- abortion;
- inflammation;
- process;
- disability;
- generic;
- physiology;
- accreditation;
- impact;
- defenses;
- certification;
- clinical practice;
- lactase;
- impotence;
- degeneration;
- intervention;
- cognitive;
- mortality;
- morbidity;
- respiratory;
- ration;
- antiseptic;
- fever;
- infection;
- intensity;
- primary care;
- libido;
- secondary care;
- hormone;
- debility;
- pneumonia;
- histamine;
- implant;
- safety;
- memory;
- epidemic;
- syndrome;
- harm;
- frequency;
- immunization;
- biopsy;
- effectiveness;
- incubation stage;
- addiction;
- adrenaline;
- factor;
- vaccine;
- metabolism;
- depression;
- diet;
- pandemia;
- disease;
- phobia;
- canal;
- fatigue;
- dependence;
- equivalent;
- experiment;
- illness;
- alcoholism;
- diagnosis;
- microbe;
- anorexia;
- eligibility;
- enzyme;
- antibiotic;
- biochemical;
- pharmacy;
- cardio;
- accident;
- chemotherapy;
- chronic;
- migraine;
- meditation;
- coordination;
- motility;
- disorder;
- acute;
- ambulatory;
- medical necessity,
- occupational therapy;
- preventive care;
- rehabilitation;
- nursing.
Fashion and style:
- kawaii;
- bohemian (boho);
- flapper;
- sweet wear;
- retro;
- preppy;
- military;
- biker;
- artsy fashion;
- geeky chic;
- maternity;
- skateboarders;
- girly;
- scene fashion;
- black tie;
- grunge;
- ethnic;
- E-girl;
- casual;
- goth;
- hip hop;
- camp style;
- preppy;
- androgynous fashion;
- rocker chic;
- punk;
- Gothic Lolita;
- trendy;
- chav culture;
- vintage;
- office;
- lagenlook;
- Tomboy;
- feminine;
- tomboy;
- girl next door;
- sporty;
- electric style;
- Lolita fashion;
- country look;
- fabric;
- resort-style;
- art hoe fashion style;
- cowgirl;
- flamboyant;
- Garconne look;
- collection;
- dandy style;
- punk;
- fashionista;
- marine style;
- contemporary style;
- Ankara;
- psychedelic fashion;
- jewelry;
- cosplay;
- haute couture;
- modest;
- prairie chic;
- fashion subculture;
- rave;
- accessory;
- anime;
- fashion victim;
- contrast;
- antique style;
- art deco;
- heavy metal fashion;
- exotic;
- asymmetry;
- symmetry;
- boutique;
- dress code;
- bulky;
- camouflage;
- classic;
- couturier;
- imitation.
Information and communication technology:
- access;
- smartphone;
- attachment;
- matrix;
- game;
- analog;
- animation;
- application;
- software;
- avatar;
- bitmap;
- database;
- blogger;
- email;
- default;
- browser;
- sensitivity;
- interface;
- domain;
- chat-room;
- compression;
- speed;
- slot;
- compatibility;
- content;
- processor;
- cyberspace;
- desktop;
- driver;
- presentation;
- camera;
- distance learning;
- multitasking;
- electronic learning;
- online learning;
- folder;
- homepage;
- portal;
- device;
- Internet;
- router;
- java;
- laser printer;
- installation;
- simulator;
- deinstallation;
- computer memory;
- plug-in;
- motherboard;
- toolbar;
- netbook;
- Unicode;
- notebook;
- tablet;
- output;
- pathname;
- server;
- sysadmin;
- Pentium;
- platform;
- link;
- robot;
- screen;
- spam;
- bot;
- stream;
- storage;
- Windows;
- synchronous;
- virus;
- web quest;
- translation memory;
- web address;
- videoconference;
- virtual world;
- wireless;
- zip.
As you can see, being an expert in your topic is not difficult when you research the subject of your interest. Choose the one you know the best and create your brilliant definition essay.
What are the definition essay examples?
Definition essay examples are about some general topic for this essay, that represent its structure, writing style and approaches.
How do you write a definition essay?
To write a definition essay, you need to create a plan and follow it strictly. This way you won’t make any mistakes and craft a flawless paper.