How To End A Research Paper: Useful Tips From Professionals

The conclusion is an integral part of the research work. Therefore, in this review, we want to describe in more detail how to end a research paper correctly.
How to End a Research Paper: Specific Requirements for the Conclusion
The conclusion of the research work summarizes the research done in a particular area. In other words, it is its logical summary. In this section, short but capacious conclusions are drawn from the written material.
The volume of the conclusion is 3-5 pages. It is important to indicate how the tasks were completed and whether the introduction’s goal was achieved. Conclusions must correspond to the tasks set; several conclusions are allowed per task. It is substantiated what consequences, up to their practical or theoretical use, can be obtained from this work.
The research undertaken should confirm or deny the research hypothesis. If the hypothesis is refuted, recommendations are given on possible improvement of activities in the light of the problem under study.
How to End a Research Paper: Effective Ways of Formulating Conclusion
If you want to learn how to end a research paper appropriately, try to formulate it in one of the following ways:
- in the form of a thesis. Each thesis is numbered in this case. It is recommended to include no more than one thesis from each section of the theoretical part. The number of theses for each section of the analytical chapter can be more than one;
- three logical elements are distinguished: the introductory part, the ascertaining part, and the part that determines the prospects for further research:
- the introductory part performs a connecting function, demonstrating a connection between the study’s goal and its results. It contains a statement that the results obtained testify to the solution of the set goals and objectives;
- the ascertaining part is the most voluminous since it systematizes the results of the work. In fact, the ascertaining part is a set of conclusions, demonstrating the solution of the research tasks formulated in the introduction;
- as a final paragraph, it is recommended to state the author’s vision of the prospects for further research in the chosen field; the role of the results obtained for the development of the research object; formulate new tasks that arise in connection with the implementation of this study.
The text of a conclusion forms the basis for preparing a report submitted for the defense of research work. So, try to learn how to end a research paper correctly. In case of difficulties, you can contact our writers for help.