Opinion Essay: Learn To Deliver Your Ideas

Each student, sooner or later, faces the need to write an opinion essay. It is quite a comprehensive, though personal, type of writing in which the author expresses their thoughts and ideas on the given subject or phenomenon. Opinion essays also help students improve their English writing skills.
An opinion essay is a piece of academic writing where you explain your vision of a particular issue. A one might argue that any writing has the purpose to convey the thought of a person who has written it. What’s the point of this type of essay then? Well, in Opinion Essays, you need to describe your own opinion about the topic first, and then you need to discuss other perspectives of that issue, showing arguments for each of the sides described.
This type of written assignment might seem easy only at first glance; however, it requires some time and dedication to be performed properly. All the thoughts presented in the paper should be structured in a logical order and backed with relevant evidence and examples.
An opinion essay usually begins with the direct address to the audience and appealing beginning, usually with reference to a certain book, film, or play. Want to know how not to make your first worst? Read our article.
Typical Opinion Essay Requirements
Avoid Outdated Topics
It will not only increase the relevance of your paper and make your work easier and more enjoyable, as it is always interesting to discover something new.
Indent the Introduction
This rule is common for a huge variety of essays. The introduction that stands out the main body of an essay helps to set the scene and catch the reader’s attention.
Produce a Quality Thesis
The main purpose of the thesis is to show the reader what the whole essay would be about and what is the author’s side. It outlines the main points researched in the main body of the paper.
Stick to Formal Language
While you may as well add some informal details in your essay, it is recommended to adhere to the general rules and proper language of essay writing. While such a piece of writing should be written according to the requirement of the formal style, adding some personal flavor to it would be a great idea. If appropriate, use stylistic tools and devices.
Say No To the Internet Slang
Avoid using slang; substitute such words with the formal equivalents.
Proofread and Edit Your Writing
Don’t let grammatical mistakes spoil your text and take on all the attention.
How To Choose Opinion Essay Topic
Choosing the subject of your paper is a crucial step that determines your whole writing success. That is why always choose the topic that interests you and the work on which will bring you joy and satisfaction. If the topic is irrelevant to you, you will easily get bored from the very beginning.
Opinion Essay Composition
Well-performed opinion essay includes:
The title of the essay that reflects the topic or problem that will be covered in the text. The title should be catchy, and it should convey the main idea of an opinion essay. In fact, the title of the essay is similar to the title of the article: it should contain the main idea, which you need to expand on in the later paragraphs.
Introduction that includes information on the writer and direct address to the readers.
Thesis with one or two sentences on the aim of the paper and its final results, that leads to the body of the paper.
Body of the Essay
At least 3 paragraphs with relevant arguments and illustrative examples. All the paragraphs should be linked with each other to maintain the general cohesion of the text. In order to give the reader, the whole information on the discussed issue, you need to write about various opinions, especially about those that are different from yours, making sure to explain each of them.
The conclusion summarizes the text and gives closing remarks. You need to summarize everything described in the opinion essay and come up with a well-explained final decision on the issue discussed in your writing. It can echo or refer to the introduction but in different wording.
It’s important that you write your opinion essay according to the discussed structure and follow all the forward guidelines. Be concise. Experts also recommend using special linking words to create a better connection between various parts of the text and lead the reader through the text. Take notes for yourself, outline a plan for writing an essay in English, put down a list of all the arguments before you start writing.
The Final Insight
Now you have all the needed information to make your opinion essay in English outstanding. Make sure to use the gained theoretical knowledge on the practice while doing your assignments, so you could master this skill. It is safe to say, and written assignments accompany students throughout all studying years. This is why it is so important to develop high-level writing and critical thinking skills. The best preparation for the exam or any other written assignment is trying to write an opinion essay on various topics, so you master your skill to the best possible extent. Such an approach will help you to apply all the knowledge and experience that you received during the practice.