Political Science Research Topics for Creating Memorable Paper

Student youth today actively participate in the activities of various parties and movements, community organizations. They act as subjects of the formation of civil society and the rule of law. This requires the ongoing work of students on mastering the knowledge of political science.
For an in-depth study of most important issues, research work is encouraged since it contributes to the in-depth assimilation of theoretical material in the discipline, reveals students’ ability to study sources and special literature independently, and forms the skills to analyze and generalize publications and media materials, etc.
However, as practice shows, students often have difficulties in choosing political science research topics. We want to help you solve this problem, and therefore, in this article, we will provide a unique collection of political science research topics.
Political Science Research Topics: General Categories
Political science includes a number of sub-disciplines such as comparative politics, international relations, civic administration, public law, political theory, conflicts in politics, mediation and negotiation, etc. Therefore, in this review, it is appropriate to provide political science research topics in different categories.
Comparative Politics
Within the framework of political science, comparative politics is one of the leading branches. It studies everything included in its subject: both individual institutions and processes and entire systems. This branch seeks to combine the empirical level of analysis with the theoretical and methodological, which makes it possible to further determine the general regulations of politics and relationships in this area.
We suggest choosing one of the following political science research topics about comparative politics:
- British society: economic, social, ethnic, religious, cultural characteristics;
- innovations in the British system of politics;
- constitutional reforms in the UK;
- France’s political development after World War II;
- The principles of organization and functioning of power in France;
- Classification of undemocratic regimes;
- F. Cutright’s index of development and its shortcomings;
- D. Neubauer’s index of democratic action;
- T. Vanhanen’s democratization index;
- Freedom house index of freedom and its critics;
- K. Bollen’s index of democracy in politics.
International Relations
At the present stage of the development of scientific knowledge, international relations are usually attributed to the object of the study of politics. This does not mean that theory is the main methodological tool for the analysis of international relations; rather, it is a consequence of the absence of a general theory of international relations, which prevents the formation of a separate branch of knowledge on its basis.
Consider the themes related to international relations:
- international relations: essence, history of formation, main areas;
- international relations in the structure of social sciences and humanities;
- categories ‘world politics’ and ‘international relations.’ Various approaches to their definition;
- the main ideas of Marxism and neo-Marxism. World-systems approach of I. Wallerstein;
- key postulates of realism and neorealism;
- basic provisions of liberalism and neoliberalism;
- ‘Great debate’ in the theory of international relations;
- methods of studying international relations;
- geopolitical factors of world development;
- characteristics of national geopolitical schools: German, French, British, American, Japanese, Russian;
- the nature, essence, and types of international systems. Factors influencing their formation and functioning;
- systems of international relations in historical dynamics;
- key parameters of the modern system of international relations.
Public Administration
Public administration (state and municipal administration) is a scientific area that has its own related, but relatively autonomous areas: civic management, i.e., operational and administrative aspects of the functioning of state bodies, including the civil service; analytics of government programs and policies, including strategic planning, regulatory impact assessment; the interaction between the state and citizens, including business relations with state and municipal authorities.
If you want to find good political science research topics about public administration, pay attention to the following ideas:
- basic approaches to understanding civic administration and its evolution;
- information activity of the manager as an object of socio-philosophical reflection. The role of informatization in management;
- conceptualization of information and communication management in the context of nonlinear synergetic methodology;
- the paradigm of information and communication management in the context of nonlinear synergetic methodology;
- conditions of administrative activity in the conditions of the evolution of society from information to smart society;
- influence of factors and threats on the activity of the public sphere;
- factors of efficiency and effectiveness of public administration. Its criteria for efficiency and effectiveness;
- determinants of improving the efficiency of public administration;
- management of society as the main purpose of public administration.
Public Law
Public law is formed by the rules governing the procedure for organizing public authorities and management activities to ensure community interest. Public law sources are regulatory legal acts, sometimes – legal custom (precedent) of the executive state power. Branches of public law are international law, constitutional law, administrative law, financial right, criminal procedure rule. Public law’s main function is to regulate relations between people, decrees that come from the only center, which is the state power.
If, in the course of choosing political science research topics, you select public law, please consider the following themes:
- the structure of public law;
- methods of public law regulation;
- the concept and features of public law relations;
- citizen as a subject of public law activity;
- the main methods of public law influence;
- public contract;
- branches of the public rule;
- elements of the public in a private rule.
Political Theory
Political theory is the principle of human thinking regarding the empirical, normative, and conceptual aspects of life. The peculiarities of the modern stage in the development of theories are not only the emergence of many new theories and directions, the strengthening of pluralism, but also the formation of empirical science, the creation of integral and unifying paradigms, the desire to create a single generalizing theory.
Pay attention to the below political science research topics:
- political theory as a scientific discipline. Its goals and objectives;
- the place of the theory in the structure of politics;
- the political sphere as an object and subject of theoretical analysis;
- normative and positivist approaches to political theory;
- categorical apparatus, models, concepts, and theories as tools for theoretical comprehension of politics;
- varieties of political theories.
Conflicts in Politics
Conflicts are a clash and confrontation between various socio-political forces and politics subjects in their striving to realize their goals and interests, associated primarily with the struggle for gaining power, its redistribution, and changing its status, with the prospects for the development of society.
We recommend you to select one of the below themes about conflicts:
- management of conflicts in politics and their prevention;
- ways of resolving and options for the outcome of conflicts;
- negotiations as a way to resolve a conflict;
- psychotherapeutic methods of conflict resolution;
- areas of individual and group work of a conflictologist.
Mediation and Negotiation
The era of globalization has become at the same time the era of negotiations: today, the theory of international mediation and negotiation is of interest not only to politicians, but also to the military, businessmen, managers, journalists, and public relations specialists.
If you are also interested in mediation and negotiation, use one of the political science research topics below:
- three models of negotiated bargaining: hard, soft and mixed;
- basic Models of Mediation and Negotiation: Affiliate, Polemic, and Rational;
- negotiations in the context of acute conflict: a mediation model;
- basic rules of the culture of communication and the culture of translation in international negotiations;
- analysis of the position of the opposite side and drawing up a psychological portrait of partners.
So, pick one of the political science research topics and start writing a memorable paper. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact our writers. They will be happy to help you.