How To Find A Good Presentation Topic

Students get assigned to prepare a PowerPoint presentation pretty often. It seems to be easier than writing a research paper, but there is a lot of work to do. Presentation in PowerPoint is not just several slides with pictures and phrases. It has to contain as much information as any other academic assignment. Therefore, you can’t just open the PowerPoint and start making a presentation, and you have to gather the information, images, statistics, examples. Also, it’s important to prepare a speech for your performance.
Another essential moment about this task – is to choose a good presentation topic. It gets even harder when you are free to pick any theme you like. The variety of options is endless, but don’t get frustrated; we are here to help you out.
First of all, make sure you are interested in the topic you are going to pick. Also, your theme has to catch the attention of your audience. Every successful presentation contains new information, controversial questions, references to the current issues, and strong arguments.
You will have to provide some illustrative material as well since it’s a PowerPoint presentation. Therefore, choose a topic that will let you combine all these necessary elements in your work.
How to Select a Great Topic for the Powerpoint Presentation
As we already mentioned, it’s pretty important to choose a good topic for your presentation. And it’s not an easy task. Therefore, you will have to go through several steps to complete it. Remember, the main idea of your work can guarantee you either success or failure. Yes, an irrelevant topic can spoil the whole presentation, so take this process seriously. And here is a guide for you to make it easier.
1. Select a subject for your work
Pay attention to the issue you are passionate about, and it will be your guarantee of success.
2. Formulate a short and catchy topic.
Your presentation has to be brief but saturated with facts and visual materials. Therefore, don’t get too general; choose the one specific issue and cover it thoughtfully.
3. Choose a topic that has a lot of illustrative materials
You will have to show some pictures, screenshots, schemes, videos due to the format of your assignment. Be sure that your topic is illustrative enough.
4. Do some research before making a presentation
Find enough information for your project before you start making a PowerPoint presentation out of it. If you struggle with finding good materials on your topic, it’s a reason to change it.
5. Keep your topic relevant for the audience
Your presentation should be exciting to listen to and interesting to discuss. You have to catch the attention of the audience from the very beginning by announcing the topic.
Great Ideas for Powerpoint Presentation
If you are still confused about the theme of your project, we have multiple examples of great topics to help you out. You can simply choose one of them or come up with your own using these examples as an inspiration. Get through all topics to clearly understand what theme catches your attention the most.
Topics for Successful Presentations
1. How does caffeine affect the body?
2. The most effective diet to stay healthy and fit.
3. Main features of baroque culture.
4. The greatest writers of the 21st century.
5. Development of women’s rights through the years.
6. Why humanity wasn’t prepared for the global pandemic.
7. Professions that will disappear in a few years.
Exciting Topics for Your Powerpoint Project
1. The most powerful historical movies.
2. The effect of modern TV-shows on children.
3. The impact of the diet culture on eating disorders among teenagers.
4. Comparison of different religions in terms of humanity.
5. The government programs for people suffering from addictions. Do they help?
6. The most successful athletes of all time.
7. How social media changed our communication.
Simple Topics for Presentations
1. The effect of fast-food and sugar on our health.
2. The possibilities of artificial intelligence.
3. The influence of domestic violence on the mental health of a child.
4. How do drugs affect the perception of reality?
5. The most powerful political figures of the 21st century.
6. The history of tattooing.
Decent Themes for Powerpoint Presentations
1. The greatest things about the Internet
2. The influence of team sports on the development of team spirit in a child.
3. Mayan predictions that came true.
4. How do smartphones and computers affect our vision?
5. The most successful charity organizations.
6. The ways advertising tricks people into buying unnecessary products.
7. How to save endangered species of animals.
Profound Presentation Topics
1. Political systems of African states.
2. The reasons Germany lost Worlds War 2.
3. Methods to increase the level of tolerance among kids.
4. “Greenpeace” programs to save the Earth.
5. Legalization of weed in the USA: pros and cons.
6. Features of the penitentiary system in Norway.
7. The most effective way to hold elections during a global pandemic.
Cathy Ideas for the Presentation Topics
1. “The Simpsons” predictions phenomenon.
2. History of rap music.
3. Food products that increase the serotonin level in the humans’ body.
4. The development of gender equality.
5. Healthy ways to cope with stress.
6. The real influence of Instagram-influencers.
7. Modern technologies that can replace human workers.
Presentation Topics for High School Students
1. The best websites for high school students.
2. The ways to study effectively while distance learning.
3. Possible outcomes of global warming.
4. How the global pandemic changed our perception of sanitary standards.
5. How does the stock market work?
6. Simple ways to do charity without donations.
7. Games that look more real than reality.
8. Gender stereotypes in the modern advertisement.
Great Presentation Themes for College Students
1. The most relevant subjects to study in 2021.
2. The most expensive scenes in movies.
3. The ways to help people in developing countries.
4. Freedom of speech in post-soviet countries.
5. The invention of the first computer.
6. Poisons you didn’t know were poisons.
7. The main differences between democracy and monarchy.
8. Countries with female leaders.
9. The impact of video-games on cruelty among children.
Powerpoint Presentation Topics about Business
1. The most expensive stocks for today.
2. How does bankruptcy work?
3. How to manage your time when you work from home.
4. The best ways to lead your team at work.
5. How to make people believe in your advertisement.
6. Monopoly of the big corporations and how to fight it.
7. The riskiest business start-ups in history.
8. The oldest business corporations.
9. The greatest businessman of all time.
Topics for a Short Presentation
1. Methods to fight corruption in governmental institutions.
2. Is it possible to replace every regular car with an electric one.
3. Free Wi-Fi in every part of the Earth – how to provide it.
4. Modern music: degradation or a form of art?
5. The importance of college education in the modern world.
6. The happiest nations and their secrets of happiness.
7. The effect of smartphones on preschoolers.
8. Comparison of regular and remote learning.
9. How to make the environment safer for women.
Now you have a wide variety of examples to choose from. You can pick one of them or create your own presentation topic. Make sure you are interested in a theme you’re choosing – it will affect your motivation to do the project. After you pick the topic, formulate it correctly, and do some research to understand if there is enough information to make a presentation. Find the visual materials, combine them with information into the PowerPoint presentation, and you are done. And don’t forget to prepare a speech, it’s essential as well. Good luck with your project!