A Lot Of Homework: Pros And Cons
Students have been complaining of having too much homework since the dawn of times, but the 2014 Stanford University study showed that having too much to do can really take a toll on students. It can lead to not only lack of time and negative effect on family and personal relationships, but also problems with communication, losing the balance between life and study, and immense stress, which has a variety of bad consequences on the person’s physical and mental health.
But how much homework exactly can be viewed as too much? According to the 2014 Stanford study, even two hours of homework every day after studying at the institution can lead to all of the above-mentioned negative consequences. Sadly, colleges and universities are in no rush to decrease your amount of homework, but we still know the way to spend less time on doing homework and getting better grades. Simply order your homework from a reputable writing service and enjoy the student life to the full!
When Is It Too Much?
We all know what the famous song lyrics say – “Too much is never enough”. It may not be true for some things, but it also works perfectly for things like reading, traveling, learning about the world, and, of course, studying. Many teachers understand the risk of giving too much homework in limited time, but they also have no other choice, since it’s the only way to give the students the knowledge they crave.
In order to understand what kind of toll your homework takes on your wellbeing, you need to closely monitor the time you spend on completing the tasks. 30 minutes or a an hour of homework are fine, but homework that takes more than 2 hours to complete is not a good thing for your health. Plus, additional tasks like formatting your work take a lot of time but are rarely calculated into the overall amount of homework.
What do parents think?
Having too much homework is often not an issue for parents, who want their children to receive as much knowledge as possible. The life of an average school or college students consists of much more than just studies and homework. After spending hours at school, a typical student has a whole range of activities, from book and drama clubs to sports and hanging out with friends.
There are two types of parents when it comes to dealing with student assignments. Some parents support the notion that the more homework the better. Other parents worry about their children spending too much time doing homework, and these parents usually encourage their kids to get affordable college homework help online.
Some parents are even critical of schools and the whole education system that forces children to spend hours at their desk at home, writing another essay or solving another math problem, when there is so much to do. Parents want to spend quality time with their children instead of watching them waste their time doing huge amounts of homework. Of course, these parents don’t suggest abolishing homework altogether. Instead they want to find a better solution together with teachers and students to continue supplying children with knowledge without too much homework. Some of the new methods include:
- Table games
- Educational films
- E-learning
- Mobile educational apps
What is a good amount of homework?
Schools are so worried about students not getting enough knowledge that they are going for different solutions. Some students limit the summer vacation time, since they believe students manage to forget most of the things they learned during the year over the summer. Others simply increase the workload on a daily basis.
Luckily, not everyone agrees with those methods. Multiple scholars have presented studies on how to find the ideal amount of homework. For example, Dennis Pope, the author of the “Journal of Experimental Education”, offered three criteria for determining the effect of homework on students:
- Behavioral engagement
- Homework perception
- Wellbeing of the students
After selecting ten California schools and narrowing down their focus group to 4,317 students, Pope and his co-authors gave the students and their families a questionnaire with open-ended questions. The survey showed that the average family has the household income of $90,000; 93% of the children in those families went to college; and the average time spent by a student doing homework is 3.1 hours every day.
Every other parent agrees that this amount of homework is too much, and right now it seems like the only solution for bringing to homework volume back to normal is for the parents to unite and work together for a change.
What can we do about it?
Spending over 3 hours every day doing homework assignments is no way to live life. That way children won’t see anything but their desk. Limiting the homework to two hours a day will have a positive effect on the student’s body and mind, but it’s not always possible in today’s reality. The solution here is to entrust part of the assignments to professional academic writers, who can give you high-quality homework writing services for a more than adequate price!