What You Need to Know before Exploring the UCAS Personal Statement Examples

First, let’s figure out what the abbreviation UCAS means. It stands for the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. What is a UCAS Personal Statement then? This is an essay, but not just a simple one. You need to compose it if you dream of entering a college or university in the UK. It allows you to distinguish yourself among other candidates, demonstrate your knowledge and willingness to study a certain field.
Your limit is 4,000 characters or 47 lines, with the help of which you should explain your reasons to get out of your bed every morning. 4,000 characters may seem like much, but in reality, it is not. Try “word count” in your Microsoft Word to see that it is about 500 words or a single page.
UCAS Personal Statement is not the same as US Personal Statement. You will write just one Personal Statement and send it to all educational institutions that interest you without providing supplemental papers. This means that you should avoid reference to a particular college or university. Bear in mind that extracurricular activities that do not relate to the chosen course of study are not relevant in most cases. Around 80% of your essay should be focused on academic achievements. The UCAS Personal Statement should contain proof of your capability to effectively study the chosen subject.
UCAS Personal Statement Examples for Every Field
Here is a selection of Personal Statement examples. These are short versions to provide you with some insight and inspiration. Of course, these versions should be expanded.
Example for Veterinary Medicine
Nothing can be more interesting to me than encountering wonderful creatures in the wild, exploring their habitat, and learning about their behavior, the life of the whole species. I was fortunate enough to experience this during my trip to Tanzania. Watching animals hunting intrigued me deeply. I was fascinated by their body shapes, the way their muscles move. I was inspired and willing to take care of sick animals when they needed help. This is how I realized that I want to be a veterinarian.
I have been a horse owner and a rider for nearly twelve years. I always look for chances to learn more about the animal, to find ways of taking better care. I have always enjoyed helping around the yard, assisting with exercise and grooming. Besides, every other Sunday, I have been working as a veterinarian at a small local clinic for over a year. I sterilized equipment, restocked, watched how various procedures were done, and assisted with consultations. This job got me exposed to various cases, sometimes very complicated, which greatly expanded my knowledge and enabled me to see different aspects. The most challenging experience was helping with a cesarean procedure, which was an emergency case.
I also volunteered at a swan sanctuary, which was an unusual experience that broadened my horizons. I realized that different species have unique needs and particular qualities.
I also participated in pre-vet summer courses where I worked with farm animals such as cows, sheep, pigs, goats, and chicken. My activities included, among others, inspecting all animals, milking cows, cleaning chicken feet from clustered dust, as well as sheep tipping.
Example for History of Art and Philosophy
When I was five, my mother and I had a serious argument. The case was that I wanted to wear a blue ballerina skirt which was made for ten-year-old. Moreover, I wanted to wear heels, even though staying upright was utterly impossible. I was determined to wear my desired outfit. While patiently listening to my arguments, my mother tried to explain why wearing such a costume in winter was a horrible idea. After an hour of the debate, she persuaded me to find something different to wear. That was the first time that I listened to reason. Discussing things was always my innate instinct. My upbringing also shaped this tendency, as I never heard just “yes” or “no” as an answer. My parents tend to explain things and provide a reason. Later in life, when I started studying philosophy, I discovered that I am passionate about dialogue and argument.
My passion was sparked by religious ethics. I realized that my perception of religion was a bit immature. I never gave much thought to religion before that, but after opening up to argument concerning god, I felt a strong desire to argue all sides. Research and discussions enabled me to form personal opinions and views instead of picking someone’s side, a theory I can support. This is what I like about philosophy: you can make personal revelations.
Being an international student seems exciting to me, though I understand the challenges that come with this. I believe that my adaptability skills will help me along the way, and an unfamiliar environment will provide food for thought. I spent the last summer assisting at a nursery in Poland. There I enhanced my teamwork and leadership skills.
Example for Liberal Arts
Frankly speaking, I did not enjoy reading when I was little. However, at the age of nine, I stumbled upon a very special book that was life-changing for me. It is called The Little Prince. It helped to ignite my passion for literature and opened a portal to the magical world of fiction. I studied and analyzed classics, as well as modern literature. French bilingualism enabled me to explore many authors and study their books in-depth in the original language.
The poetry of Arthur Rimbaud affected me greatly. I enjoyed analyzing poems and deciphering their veiled meaning. Liberal arts enable me to study various texts and writers from different historical periods in connection with cultural, social, and economic aspects.
I consider Liberal Arts to be the right path for me. I have studied many subjects which gave me the necessary knowledge. I have adapted the works of classics in Theatre, such as Shakespeare. Besides, I played the role of Desdemona, and it was an opportunity to sort out her emotions. While studying History, I understood why certain changes in society took place. I also learned to evaluate sources and assess contradictory interpretations. My interdisciplinary education enabled me to conduct critical analysis concerning the surrounding world. The Theory of Knowledge taught me how to use a critical mindset and question everything. I have deepened my understanding of all subjects, even in science. I started using creativity and imagination while conducting experiments.
Languages play a huge role in my life, as well. The ability to speak another language has always attracted and fascinated me. I never took it for granted but cherished my bilingualism, which allowed me to explore different cultures. This has contributed to my open-mindedness, expanded my world view, and encouraged me to travel and learn other languages.