How to Write a Romance Novel and Become Popular

Romance is one of the top literary genres that can bring you a huge audience. This genre is popular among people from all corners of the world. The authors who deal with romance novels must be quite creative and intriguing to gain the desired attention of readers. With the millions of already written and published novels, you need to reveal really interesting ideas and demonstrate a great writing style to gain your popularity. Sure, romance writers are popular. But you definitely want to become one of the top famous writers ever. In such a case, you need to know everything about how to write a romance novel and succeed.
When you can write an intriguing romance, you can get incredible popularity. In fact, romance is one of the most successfully sold genres. This is really a top-selling market in current publishing. People may think that it is quite a simple genre. Moreover, romance is told to be boring reading. Some may even think that the storylines in romance books are quite simple and plain. Truly, it is not so easy to write an excellent romance novel. In fact, describing someone’s relationships is not enough to complete a great romance. Besides, you need to have a great writing style and decent writing talents to describe those relationships properly. There is no super formula to complete a good story at once. You need to be well-aware that romance writing is a challenge. Firstly, you need to understand what a romance is and what language to use when completing it. You also need to check the available publishing options before starting to write your story.
When you know how to perform a great story, it takes only time to perform an excellent piece. Many writers keep dealing with stereotype topics for their romance novels. In fact, writing about love is both old-fashioned and highly appreciated by readers. Stories about love always get their devoted readers. Love is the exact concept people seek to read about. It is not about sex, but it is about feelings. If you can complete a story about strong feelings, unbreakable promises, real passions, you can really reach your audience.
The popular romance writers can always intrigue readers with excellent storytelling. The famous New-York Time best-selling author, Jennifer Probst, is sure that love is the core concept of every popular romance. In her interviews she agrees that a lot of intimacy can be revealed in the books, but love must remain the main issue to discover. Probst also recommends paying attention to such important issues like abuse, bullying, fertility, personality disorders, etc. It gives the story a dramatic tension. Moreover, these issues must be addressed in numerous books to be solved eventually. Romance can be both a source of entertainment and a way to address some unpleasant issues for society. Many writers are great and fearless women who want to fight against such concepts as sexual and emotional abuse. You can choose what topic to reveal in your novel. With your writings, you can address any important issue that bothers you and your readers.
Writing a romance can be a challenge. But be sure you can deal with it. Besides, you should not do it alone. You can get yourself a team of dedicated helpers, co-writers, and editors. In such a way, you can assure a better content. The new writers can always get advice from experienced authors. The community of romance writers is quite supportive.
Romance writers know how to deal with advertising, marketing, social media promotion, and professional editing. When you tend to learn how to write a romance novel, you need to pay attention to these important notions as well. You must perform an intriguing and quite interesting story. But it is only a first step. Proper editing, advertising, and promotion are also required. You cannot just write a book and hope to become popular the very next day. You need to promote your work effectively as well.
The Basics of Romance Writing
The romance genre, like other fiction papers, needs an intriguing storyline and great characters. But you should pay attention to other minor nuances as well. Deal with these nuances from the very beginning. This is the best way to learn how to write a romance novel, excellently. Probst assures that writing a romance novel is not an easy task at all. It requires to become connected with your characters, get deep into their emotions and feelings, discover all the intimate secrets, reveal the conflicts and struggles. It is not enough to write about kisses or sex. Such stories are built around strong emotions. Besides, you need to research the discovered topic profoundly. You should sound logical, smart, and motivated. Readers adore when they can read about characters that remain both original and quite familiar. In fact, you need to love this genre to get involved with it and conduct deep research on the topics you write about.
One of the other important concepts of a great romance is a happy ending. HEA or a “happily ever after” is the desired ending of your story the readers prefer. In fact, many writers are sure that HEA must be in every romance. Another concept, HFN, “happily for now” is also a popular ending of romance novels. Not every author ends their stories with HEA or HFN. Sometimes, stories are ended with cliffhangers. The cliffhanger is the open final that forces your readers to expect the continuation of your romance even with a bigger excitement. Still, the end of your romance is expected to be HEA, no matter how many parts it has in general. At least, romance readers always hope for a happy ending.
Publication Options for Writers
Romance readers are quite a dedicated audience. They are insatiable when they read a good story. They need more and more intriguing stories every day. In such a case, you can get an army of devoted readers if you can provide a great novel. According to official statistics, almost half of romance readers read at least one romance per week. That is great since you can get your devoted readers who need new novels constantly. Moreover, once becoming a recognizable writer, you can start writing novels with co-authors. This is quite a popular practice in the romance-writing community.
The Self-Publishing Way
When dealing with publishing options, you have two ways to present your novels to the audience. If you tend to keep control over your finances and content, you should deal with indie publishing. It is the best way to stay independent, decide the storyline, formatting details, the lengths of your novel, design, etc. You can also place your book on any platform. This is a lot of power you can get once dealing with indie publishing. Still, you get even more responsibilities. When you have people, who can help you with your romance novel, you get more time for writing and experience less stress. Many writers cannot deal without their loyal editors and partners.
Traditional Publishing
If you do not want to deal with every aspect of your romance promotion and publishing, finding a traditional publisher is the best option. You have a lot of options when talking about traditional publishing. There are many publishing houses you heard about for sure, including Penguin Random and Macmillan. Definitely, you need to find a literary agent first. Choose the one who represents the exact type of romance you are currently writing. You can also present your manuscript to a publisher on your own. You can find even more guidelines online about how to write a romance novel and find the best publisher to become a famous writer eventually. Check the best writing tips and guides to succeed.